Episode 218
Welcome to Episode 218 the LinuxLUGcast
We are an open podcast/LUG that meets at 9 PM EST every first and third friday of the month using mumble.
We encourage anyone listening to join us and participate on the podcast. Check out https://www.linuxlugcast.com/ for the server details.
If you have any questions, comments, or topic you would like us to discus and are unable to join us during the live show you can
send us email at feedback@linuxlugcast.com
You can join our subreddit at https://old.reddit.com/r/LinuxLugcast/
check out our MeWe community at https://mewe.com/group/5bc77fc4a5f4e501fd9a2bbd
Join in the conversation at https://matrix.to/#/#lugcast:minnix.dev
Youtube Channel
Peertube Channel
Previous Movie: Cyberjack (1995)
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0112763/
Tubi link: https://tubitv.com/movies/466724/virtual-assassin
Next Movie: Virtuosity (1995)
big movie bomb
omelette pan unnboxing
everyone loves my mustache
OLF 2023 talk
new DVI cable
fixed his foot switch, made a cup holder, bad power supply
new HPR episode https://hackerpublicradio.org/eps.php?id=3832talks
AI discussion
Flipper Zero banned by Amazon https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/technology/flipper-zero-banned-by-amazon-for-being-a-card-skimming-device-/
Sony backs Raspberry Pi https://www.cnbc.com/2023/04/12/sony-backs-raspberry-pi-with-fresh-funding-access-to-ai-chips.html
next recording date will be May 6, 2023
Our music is “Downright” provided by Klaatu and Broam
We would like to thank Delwin for the use of his mumble server.
Finally we would like to give a special thanks to Fatherfinch, Fweeb, Dave Morris and Tony Beemus for all their help and support over the years.
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