Episode 120

Welcome to Episode 120 of the LinuxLUGcast

We are an open podcast/LUG that meets at 9 PM EST every first and third friday of the month using mumble.

If you would like to join us all you need to do is install a mumble client on your computer or mobile device, go to linuxlugcast.com to get the server details, then just join us in the “LinuxLUGcast” room. If you do not want to participate, just listen you can connect to the mumble server, go into the “listening booth” room. If you need help configuring your mumble client there is a “How to” on  our site explaining how to configure the desktop client.

If you have any questions, comments, or topic you would like us to discus and are unable to join us during the live show on you can send us feedback at feedback@linuxlugcst.com
leave a comment in our G+ community  https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/101183999294924142060
our MeWe community https://mewe.com/join/linuxlugcast
or check us out on irc on the freenode server #linuxlugcast


Show Topics

FiftyOneFifty: I have failed to make any progress on any of the projects I talked about last time.  Looking for a dumbed down tutorial for configuring MySQL
Trump’s AI Initiative https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2019-02-15/artificial-intelligence-trump-s-smart-american-ai-initiative
Focals, smart glasses by North https://www.bynorth.com/
Elon Musk has a text generator too dangerous to release: https://gizmodo.com/elon-musk-backed-ai-company-claims-it-made-a-text-gener-1832650914

I need to rebuild my tower

  • Should i do a server and not worry about graphics
  • or should i go enthusiast and use it as both a gaming machine and server
  • AMD 6350 is overheating but is it an issue with the board or the CPU?

Ordered the board for my 3d printer.  Should be here in a week
looking at picking up an enclosure.

Netminer was talking about usb sound cards

Going to texas linux fest this year.



ODroid N2 https://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?t=33781

Running an etherpad-lite docker container with a seperate mysql docker containter 
docker run -name <mysql> -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<password> -d hypriot/rpi-mysql
(this will start the mysql container. the<mysql> is the name you want to give that container, and th <password> is the password you want to give the mysql root user)
docker run -d –name <etherpad-name> -e ETHERPAD_ADMIN_USER=<admin-name>-e ETHERPAD_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<admin-password> -v /opt/etherpad-lite/var:/opt/etherpad-lite/var –link=<mysql-name>:mysql -p 9001:9001 veekee/rpi-etherpad
(this will start up the etherpad server. I hope all things <>  are self explanitory


Bookewyrmm: I bought a nifty inexpensive SBC


now I need a project for it

Our next recording date will be March 1, 2019

Our music is “Downright” provided by Klaatu and Broam

We would like to thank Delwin for the use of his mumble server, and for the bot module to find the next recording date ll you need to do is type .ns in our irc channel.

We would also like to thank “000webhost” for web hosting

Finally we would like to give a special thanks to Kwisher, Faherfinch, and Tony Beemus for all their help and support over the years.