Episode 117
Welcome to Episode 117 of the LinuxLUGcast
We are an open podcast/LUG that meets at 9 PM EST every first and third friday of the month using mumble.
If you would like to join us all you need to do is install a mumble client on your computer or mobile device, go to linuxlugcast.com to get the server details, then just join us in the “LinuxLUGcast” room. If you do not want to participate, just listen you can connect to the mumble server, go into the “listening booth” room. If you need help configuring your mumble client there is a “How to” on our site explaining how to configure the desktop client.
If you have any questions, comments, or topic you would like us to discus and are unable to join us during the live show on you can send us feedback at feedback@linuxlugcst.com
leave a comment in our G+ community https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/101183999294924142060
or check us out on irc on the freenode server #linuxlugcast
Richard Kline
Show Topics
HPR New Year’s Eve Show No, Dan Carlin is not George’s brother https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Carlin
New ISP BlazingHog.com 4G modem, AT&T and T-Mobile, 23Mbps down (potential) superior support https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07KWZ2DNX/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 4G LTE MIMO TS9 connector 88dbi
Gemini PDA https://liliputing.com/2018/03/gemini-pda-is-now-shipping-to-indiegogo-backers-with-a-few-issues.html
Cheap Walmart refurb gaming PC https://www.walmart.com/ip/Refurbished-HP-Gaming-Computer-Nvidia-GT-1030-Video-Core-i5-3-2Ghz-16Gb-1TB-Windows-10-HDMI-WiFi-1-Year-Warranty/739646543
setting up an external hdd as /home
using b43-fwcutter to get wifi drivers
multimedia repos on Debian
Our next recording date will be Jan, 18 2018
Our music is “Downright” provided by Klaatu and Broam
We would like to thank Delwin for the use of his mumble server, and for the bot module to find the next recording date ll you need to do is type .ns in our irc channel.
We would also like to thank “000webhost” for web hosting
Finally we would like to give a special thanks to Kwisher, Faherfinch, and Tony Beemus for all there help and support over the years.
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