Episode 172 (possibly nsfw)

Welcome to Episode 172 the LinuxLUGcast

We are an open podcast/LUG that meets at 9 PM EST every first and third friday of the month using mumble.
We encourage anyone listening to join us and participate on the podcast. Check out https://www.linuxlugcast.com/ for the server details.

If you have any questions, comments, or topic you would like us to discus and are unable to join us during the live show you can
send us email at feedback@linuxlugcast.com
check out our MeWe community  at https://mewe.com/join/linuxlugcast
or check us out on irc on the freenode server #linuxlugcast

Free your vacuum from the cloud

OpenSurface RT

Raspberry Pi Codecs

Danny Meeks:

Danny Meeks:

Danny Meeks:

Danny Meeks:

Danny Meeks:

Danny Meeks:

Blaine Clark:
Notes and questions on a new Asus installation.
I just purchased an Asus laptop, an F512J. I intended to install LMDE4 immediately and made a USB image. Info told me to hold the F2 key as the unit was powered up to access the BIOS. This worked as expected. I disabled Secure Boot, set boot order and attempted to boot up. Hang. I pressed the power button and the boot process jumped just a bit. Everything hung again. I pressed the power button again and nothing. I held it and forced a shutdown. Tried booting again. Same. For a test I made a LM Cinnamon 20 USB and attempted another boot. The boot completed but just into the install it stopped too, but with a message about RST needing to be disabled. I got into the BIOS but there was no option to disable the RST. I did some checking into RST then got into the SATA settings and changed that to AHCI. LMDE4 still wouldn’t boot, but LM 20 was OK again and I completed the installation without a hitch. I’m in the process of getting it tuned to my specs now and not having any further issues.
I had checked the .iso files and I had tried the USBs on my ancient Toshiba to make sure they were good images and they both booted with no troubles on the Toshiba.
Any ideas on getting LMDE to boot and install? LM C 20 is fine, but I’d much rather have LMDE for my full time runner. I’ve been using it for the last year and I’ve grown attached to it.

next recording date will be June 4, 2021
Our music is “Downright” provided by Klaatu and Broam
We would like to thank Delwin for the use of his mumble server.
Finally we would like to give a special thanks to Fatherfinch, Fweeb, Dave Morris and Tony Beemus for all their help and support over the years.